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Mr. Harris in high school!

 Rube Goldberg Project

Due Date: December 19, 2016



Objective: To build a compound machine that will complete a simple task using at least 3 steps and at least 3 simple machines.


Background Info: Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist who created elaborate ways to do simple things.  Use the website: to investigate Rube’s ideas further. 



  1. Must have an appropriate name.

  2. Must accomplish a simple task.

  3. Must execute at least 3 steps.  All steps must be clearly defined and separated. (6 steps if with a partner) (42 points total)

  4. Must include at least 3 different simple machines. You must list each simple machine and tell what it does.  (6 if with a partner) (24 points)

  5. The machine must work on its own, after being started.  It also must work repeatedly for 2 consecutive trials. (10 points)

  6. Must include a written description  (24 points)



Important Note!!!

Please DO NOT spend money on this!  You can find many of your supplies around your home.  Use toys, blocks, sporting goods, recyclables etc. 

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